Sacrament of Marriage


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Here at Faith United, we see each person as a unique, loved creation of God and welcome all people to the full life of Christian community, including marriage. We celebrate the marriages of all individuals and are inclusive of all sexual orientations and gender identities. Please contact the church office for more details on getting married at Faith.


You're Getting Married! We share your joy and want to help you to both celebrate and confirm your decision! We will provide you and your fiancé with the best marriage and wedding preparation we can!

Our Approach

Weddings are wonderful events. For many of you, your wedding day represents the most important day of your life. Yet as exciting and magnificent as a wedding is, it represents a mere twinkle in a journey along life's pathway together. We hope that our time together will be helpful as you make your wedding plans. Of greater importance, however, is the need for both of you to find this time valuable as you prepare for married life.

In our times together, we will suggest resources each of you can take advantage of to deepen your relationship, build on the choices you have made, and help you to discover new ideas and thoughts about each other. It is important to take this time to reflect on yourself, and your chosen one and that you discover where God is in your relationship. It is vital for the wellness of marriage to deepen our understanding and appreciation of the gifts, the strengths, the weaknesses, and the needs that two people bring to a relationship. The greatest gift a couple can give each other during this time leading up to your wedding is good marriage preparation! While you are planning for one day, it is a lifetime that you intend to share!

We sincerely hope that you experience a long and happy marriage. The church represents a holy place where people are called to celebrate the joys of their relationship before God, family and friends. As a holy place it is dedicated to God's agenda for covenant relationships. In this regard, it is necessary that we take seriously our responsibility to help couples understand the expectations of the church in respect of Christian marriage.

A Christian marriage is a holy ritual - a sign of God's active involvement in the life of a couple and a sign of the life of the whole Church. When a couple enters marriage, they are not doing a "one time thing." They enter a process of growth, discovery and learning together, believing that the love which energized Jesus Christ lives in them also.

Married Christians can claim to make Jesus' love visible to the world around them, precisely because Jesus extends the Covenant through them to the world. Christian marriage is a "gift" to the world in which God has called us to grow and love and be creative.

Use of the Church

It is important to arrange for your wedding well before the proposed date. Making sure of this in advance is necessary before finalizing your plans for a reception hall, the printing of invitations, etc. Please take time to complete the application form and submit it to the Church Office as soon as possible. The church office may be contacted Monday – Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.


Arrangements for music can be made directly with our Music Director through contacting the church office. We offer either an organist or pianist for your special day. There are many excellent hymns or songs that can be sung by family and friends as part of your wedding service. Please ensure that the organist is consulted well before the wedding date (at least 30-45 days before) and that the music for the pieces you have chosen is available. You may supply your own musician providing they can competently play our instruments.

The Marriage License

A Marriage License is obtained at the Hamilton City Hall or at any Municipal Service Centre in the City of Hamilton. It is your responsibility to meet whatever requirements you need for issuing this license. Call ahead if you have any questions in this regard. Currently, licenses are good for 90 days and there is no waiting period. We ask that you bring the license into the Church Office two weeks before your wedding date so we can complete the required paperwork to register your marriage.

The Wedding Rehearsal

The rehearsal will be held at the convenience of the Wedding Party and the Church staff. Please discuss the rehearsal time arrangements with our Office Administrator or the Minister at the time you confirm the date of your wedding. It is expected that all members of the wedding party and those taking part in the service will be in attendance, and that the rehearsal will begin on time.


Arrangements should be made to decorate the church with the Office Administrator. If flowers are to be delivered, arrangements must be made at least one week prior to the Wedding. Flower stands and candelabras are available. If candles are to be used, we ask you to provide the necessary number of candles (fourteen for the candelabra, and/or two for candle-lighting - "Two Become One" ceremony). Slow-burning and drip-less type (beeswax) candles are preferred.  Please be advised that the use of confetti is strictly prohibited and its use will incur extra clean-up charges.

Photography AND Videography

Because a Christian Wedding is a service of worship, we ask that no flash photography be taken from the time the minister begins the service until the benediction is pronounced. Your professional photographer may take pictures during the ceremony, without flash. Videotaping will be permitted, but only from a fixed position arranged in consolation with the minister. Both should attend the rehearsal, where possible. We also offer live-streaming of our services as requested for an additional charge.

Your Reception

The minister may or may not be available to attend the wedding reception. It is not necessary for the minister to be included.  If it is your intention to include the minister and his spouse in the reception, please add the minister to the invitation list and send an invitation. Please discuss with the minister any involvement he may have at the reception.

Wedding Fees

The fees for weddings at Faith United are reviewed annually by our Use & Occupancy Team and are approved by the Unified Board. Please discuss the fees with our Office Administrator or Minister. Fees include Minister, Organist, Custodian and/or Wedding Hostess, and use of the Church. A Deposit is required when booking your wedding. The balances of the fees, together with your Marriage License are to be in the church office two weeks prior to your wedding date. We accept cheques, cash or direct deposit through e-transfer. Please make all cheques payable to Faith United Church.


When you settle down in the community, we would be glad to have you worship with us and be part of our church family, if you are not already. A growing faith can best be nurtured in the worship and fellowship of a church community. If you have any questions or problems call for an appointment. Ministers are trained and prepared to offer help or to make referrals if necessary.

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